In-Kind Impact
Your in-kind donations go a long way to help! We accept in-kind donations of various items such as: new and like-new clothes and shoes, home furnishings, and electronics.
If you have any in-kind items to donate, please fill out our form, and a Reentry by Design member will reach out to you.
Make an In-Kind Donation
Accepted Items

Apparel and Accessories
New and “like new” casual clothing for everyday use and business attire for interviewing and employment (for Men & Women)
New and “like new” footwear (for Men & Women) including work boots.
Accessories (for Men & Women) including belts, handbags and jewelry.

Home Furnishings
Bathroom: Shower curtains/liners/rings/rods, bathmat, bath towels and wash cloths, garbage cans.
Bedroom: Bed frames, bed linens/coverings/blankets, pillows (new only), dressers, nightstands, table lamps, hangars.
Kitchen: table/chairs, small appliances, countertop microwaves, microwave stands, pots and pans, dishware, cooking utensils, silverware, baking dishes/pans, kitchen towels/potholders, food storage containers, colanders, garbage cans, etc. (Small appliances and kitchen items must be complete with all parts, in working order and free of chips/cracks)
Other: new brooms/mops/dust pans/buckets, vacuum cleaners.
Family Room: sofa, sofa sleeper, sectionals, loveseats, futons, recliners, side chairs, coffee/end/side tables, desks, floor/table lamps, TV stands, rugs (no larger than 8×10)

Miscellaneous Items (in working condition)
New and Used Bicycles
New and Used Computers / Laptops
New and Used Cell Phones (unlocked and unrestricted – not still under contract)
New and Used tools for trades (Electrician, Construction, Welding, etc)
Gift Acceptance Policy
Reentry by Design, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona. The following policies and guidelines govern solicitation and acceptance of gifts made to Reentry by Design, Inc. for the benefit of any of its programs.
Reentry by Design, Inc. will adhere to all federal, State of Arizona, and local statutes relating to charitable organizations and nonprofit corporations. Reentry by Design, Inc. will follow generally accepted accounting standards and practices relating to the accounting and crediting of all contributions. Reentry by Design, Inc. will make its most current IRS Form 990 available upon request.
The mission of Reentry by Design, Inc. is to aid men and women reentering society after a period of incarceration by connecting them with the necessary resources to pursue the life they envision for themselves. Reentry by Design, Inc. encourages the solicitation and acceptance of gifts for the purposes that will help Reentry by Design, Inc. implement its programs and services and thereby further and fulfill its mission.
A gift is defined as a voluntary transfer of assets from a person or organization to Reentry by Design, Inc. where no goods or services are expected, implied or forthcoming for the donor. Gifts usually take the form of cash, checks, securities, real or personal property or deferred gifts.
Reentry by Design, Inc. shall seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts when appropriate. Review by counsel is recommended for:
- Real Estate
- Closely held stock transfers that are subject to restrictions or buy-sell agreements
- Documents naming Reentry by Design, Inc. as trustee
- Gifts involving contracts or other documents requiring Reentry by Design, Inc. to assume an obligation
- Other instances in which use of counsel is deemed appropriate by the Executive Director or Board of Directors
Reentry by Design, Inc. will urge all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts and the resulting tax and estate planning consequences.
Reentry by Design, Inc. must accurately describe its mission, accomplishments, funding sources and expenditures in all donor communications and solicitations. The Board or its designated committee will monitor any information presented to the public in any fundraising material. This includes case statements, brochures, annual giving and direct mail appeals, and capital or endowment campaigns.
Neither an employee nor a volunteer may make any promise to a donor, nor expect any favoritism from a donor, nor agree to any donor-directed changes in the mission and/or programs of Reentry by Design, Inc. as a result of a solicitation or contribution.
Exceptional care must be taken in the handling of memorials and bequests. This does not preclude offering the opportunity for memorial gifts on an ongoing basis, but survivors should not be solicited for such memorial gifts during their time of grieving.
Reentry by Design, Inc. will accept unrestricted gifts and gifts restricted for specific programs and purposes, provided that such gifts are consistent with the organization’s stated mission, purposes and priorities. Gifts will not be accepted if they are too restrictive in purpose, too difficult to administer, or gifts that are for purposes outside the mission of Reentry by Design, Inc. All final decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal, shall be made by the Board of Directors of Reentry by Design, Inc.
Permanently restricted gifts will be invested and held permanently for the income derived.
The Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of reviewing gifts presented to it by the Executive Director or board assigned committee. The Board shall have sufficient time before voting on any such gift, to review the evidence and weigh the merits of the gift. A quorum to vote shall be no less than 75% of the Board, whether in person, in writing or by proxy. A simple majority of the Board, once a quorum is met, may accept or refuse the gift.
- There are conditions to a gift and its designation that are not consistent with the purpose, values, and objectives of the organization.
- The gift could financially jeopardize the donor or Reentry by Design, Inc.
- The gift or terms are illegal.
- Reentry by Design, Inc. does not have the resources to honor the terms of the gift.
- An appropriate fair market value cannot be determined, or will result in unwarranted or unmanageable expense to Reentry by Design, Inc.
- There are physical or environmental hazards.
- The gift could jeopardize the tax-exempt status of Reentry by Design, Inc.
- The gift could improperly benefit any individual.
Cash (US or foreign currency)
Tangible Personal Property/Collectibles
Life Insurance
Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Lead Trusts
1. Cash: Cash is acceptable in any form, such as checks or money orders.
2. Tangible Personal Property / Collectibles: All gifts of tangible personal property shall be examined in light of the following criteria:
- Does the property fulfill the mission of Reentry by Design, Inc?
- Is the property marketable?
- Are there any undue restrictions on the use, display, or sale of the property?
For any gift with an assumed value over $5,000, the donor is responsible for obtaining a qualified appraisal for tax purposes. Reentry by Design, Inc. shall not pay for the insurance or other costs until it has accepted ownership of the gift and donor shall pay for all carrying costs until gift is accepted.
Reentry by Design, Inc. reserves the right to sell any and all tangible property or collectibles donated to it.
3. Securities: Reentry by Design, Inc. can accept both publicly traded securities and closely held securities.
- Publicly Traded Securities: Marketable securities may be transferred to an account maintained at one or more brokerage firms or delivered physically with the transferor’s signature or stock power attached. As a general rule, all marketable securities shall be sold upon receipt unless doing so would create a negative circumstance. In some cases, marketable securities may be restricted by applicable securities laws; in such instances the final determination of the acceptance of the restricted securities shall be made by the Board of Directors. Publicly traded securities are valued at mean trading price on the day of receipt.
- Closely Held Securities: Closely held securities, which include not only debt and equity positions in non-publicly traded companies but also interests in LLPs, FLPs and LLCs or other ownership forms, can be accepted subject to the approval of Reentry by Design, Inc’s Board of Directors. However, gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance to determine that:
- There are no restrictions on the security that would prevent Reentry by Design, Inc. from ultimately converting those assets to cash.
- The security is marketable.
- The security will not generate any undesirable tax consequences or liability for Reentry by Design, Inc.
If questions arise on initial review of the security, further review and recommendation by an outside professional may be sought before making a final decision on acceptance of the gift. The final determination on the acceptance of closely held securities shall be made by the Board of Directors and legal counsel when necessary unless determined by vote of the Board of Directors of Reentry by Design, Inc. All closely held securities shall be sold.
4. Ownership of Life Insurance Policies: Reentry by Design, Inc. must be named as the beneficiary and irrevocable owner of an insurance policy before a life insurance policy can be recorded as a gift. The gift is valued at cash surrender value, upon receipt. Premium payments may be made and Reentry by Design, Inc. may:
- Continue to pay the premiums.
- Convert the policy to paid up insurance.
- Surrender the policy for its current cash value.
5. Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations: Donors and supporters of Reentry by Design, Inc’s programs and services will be encouraged to name Reentry by Design, Inc. as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of their life insurance policies. Such designations shall not be recorded as gifts until such time as the gift is irrevocable. Where the gift is irrevocable, but is not due until a future date, the present value of that gift may be recorded at the time the gift becomes irrevocable.
6. Charitable Remainder Trusts: Reentry by Design, Inc. may accept designation as remainder beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust with the approval of the Board of Directors. Reentry by Design, Inc. will not accept appointment as a Trustee of a charitable remainder trust.
7. Charitable Lead Trusts: Reentry by Design, Inc. may accept designation as income beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust. Reentry by Design, Inc. will not accept appointment as a Trustee of a charitable lead trust.
8. Bequests: Donors and supporters of Reentry by Design, Inc. will be encouraged to make bequests to Reentry by Design, Inc. under their wills and trusts. Such bequests will not be recorded as gifts until such time as the gift is irrevocable. When the gift is irrevocable, but is not due until a future date, the present value of that gift may be recorded at the time that gift becomes irrevocable.
Any proposed gift that falls outside the above categories shall be presented to Reentry by Design, Inc’s Board of Directors for their consideration before they can be accepted.
- Securing appraisals and legal fees for gifts: It will be the responsibility of the donor to secure an appraisal (where required) and independent legal counsel for all gifts made to Reentry by Design, Inc.
- Valuation of gifts for development purposes: Reentry by Design, Inc. will record a gift at its valuation for gift purposes on the date received, except that cash, checks, or securities may be recorded on the date stamp of the envelope.
- Compliance with IRS and other taxing authority rules and regulations: Reentry by Design, Inc. will comply with all income tax rules and regulations related to acceptance of a gift. This compliance includes, when applicable, 1) completing the Donor Acknowledgment portion of Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contributions, for the donor, and 2) preparing and filing Form 8282, Donee Information Return. When receiving gifts of property potentially valued at more than $5,000, other than cash or marketable securities, Reentry by Design, Inc. will consult with its legal counsel and tax advisor to ensure that it complies with the latest rules and regulations.
- Responsibility of Acknowledgment: Acknowledgment of all gifts made to Reentry by Design, Inc. and compliance with the current IRS requirements in acknowledgment of such gifts shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director or the Board of Directors.
Reentry by Design, Inc. Board of Directors must approve changes or deviations from these policies.
This policy was presented to the Board of Directors on the 25th day of February 2021 and was passed.