About Us
ReEntry by Design aims to offer people the right support and guidance to successfully reenter society after incarceration.
Our Impact
As of December 31, 2023
At ReEntry by Design, we understand how complicated life can get when reentering society after a period of incarceration. We realize that every individual faces a unique set of personal challenges which, if not planned for, can result in one's reverting back to criminal behavior. By addressing these challenges long before having to face them in the "real world," we not only equip the individual with the means to solve these problems, but also provide them with a deep sense of relief knowing we are there to assist them every step of the way. Once released, with our support, clients are able to find housing, jobs, services and resources which put them firmly on the path to a brighter future.
(Comparative analysis: Recent recidivism studies show that approximately 39% of men and women that are released from Arizona prisons return to custody within 3 years of being released. In stark contrast, of the 325 men and women that engaged in the ReEntry by Design program in the comparative period, only 1 (0.3 percent) has been returned to custody. We credit the success of the program with its ability to focus on the specific needs and challenges of the "individual" rather than treating every person the same).
In addition to the 325 full program participants, we served an additional 1,785 men and women in 2023 with specific needs. We helped 1,265 with housing, 896 with securing employment, 512 with transportation assistance, 1,432 with hygiene and/or clothing, and 1,785 with mentoring.
Meet Our Founder

Brett W. Matossian, the ReEntry by Design founder, knows how difficult life after incarceration can be. After being arrested for the first time in his life, Brett spent 16 months in a Maricopa County Jail and an additional two and a half years in the Arizona Department of Corrections.
After Brett’s release in September 2013, he saw the challenges of reentry firsthand and noticed one of the biggest issues was that people are not properly prepared for reentry. While many organizations help with specific areas of reentry, such as employment or housing, he saw a need for a more comprehensive whole person approach - one which incorporated all aspects of life.
"Everything can be taken from a person, but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
—Viktor Frankl